
The Nature of Science

You probably asked a lot of questions when you were a child: What is that? How does it work? Why does it do that? We are driven by a deep-seated curiosity about the world around us, a tendency to ask questions that we seem to express most freely when we are children (FIGURE 1.2). Through the centuries, that spirit of inquiry has been the main driving force behind science.

A photo of a boy looking closely at a blue caterpillar crawling across his hand.

FIGURE 1.2 Curiosity Is at the Heart of Scientific Inquiry

Do you recall any questions about nature that you asked when you were little?

Beyond the universal thirst for understanding, science offers many practical benefits. Technology refers to the practical application of scientific techniques and principles. Science is behind technologies like satellites and the TV receivers that use them, lifesaving medical procedures and drugs, microwave ovens, and every text, tweet, and image we send over the Internet. But beyond being a provider of technologies, science is a way of understanding the world.

The scientific way of looking at the world—let’s call it scientific thinking—is logical, strives for objectivity, and values evidence over all other ways of discovering the truth. Scientific thinking is one of the most democratic of human endeavors because it is not owned by any group, tribe, or nation, nor is it presided over by any human authority that is elevated above ordinary humans.

People like you are contributing to the advance of science

In recent years, hundreds of Citizen Science projects have been undertaken. In these projects, people from all walks of life partner with professional researchers to advance scientific knowledge (TABLE 1.1). Citizen scientists have volunteered their DNA, tracked bees, recorded the blooming and fruiting of local plants, monitored invasive species, cataloged roadkills, donated their gaming skills to help predict protein structure, or simply loaned the computing capacity of their workstations to scientists over the Internet.

A table lists five Citizen Science Projects where citizens and professional scientists collaborate. The roles of the citizen scientists include classifying images; donating samples; catching, measuring, and tagging fish; analyzing samples, and sending a video of a human-canine relationship.

TABLE 1.1 Citizen Science Projects: Collaborations between Citizens and Professional Scientists




Cell Slider

Classify images of cancer cells, to help accelerate cancer research.

Cancer Research UK


Donate samples of microbes (microscopic organisms) from your own body, to help catalog diversity of microbes that make their home on the human body. Note: Participants are asked to make a donation.

Research lab, Oxford University, UK

Tag a Tiny

Catch, measure, and release juvenile Atlantic bluefin tuna after attaching ID tags.

Large Pelagics Research Center, Gloucester, MA

Mastodon Matrix Project

Analyze samples of fossil dirt (found around mastodon bones) mailed to your home by the researchers.

Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, NY

Play with Your Dog

Send video of you playing with your dog, to help dissect the human-canine relationship.

Horowitz Dog Cognition Lab, NYC

NOTE: For more examples of such projects, and information on how to participate, visit scistarter.com.

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Crowdsourcing—using the services of the online community to create content and solve problems—has made large contributions to understanding genetic variation in humans.

The Christmas Bird Count, organized by the National Audubon Society since 1900, is the longest-running Citizen Science project. Data gathered by hundreds of thousands of volunteers have contributed to over 200 technical papers and helped scientists understand how climate change is affecting bird migration (FIGURE 1.3).

Map and graph titled “Poleward Shifts in Range.” : (a) A map of the United States and southern Canada shows changes in the central locations of the wintering destinations of several migratory birds between the winters of 1966-67 and 2005-06. Migration destinations are consistently farther north in 2005-06 than in 1966-67. Next to an illustration of a duck is the caption “The greater scaup is losing ground because early snowmelt in its Arctic breeding grounds has increased competition from northward-moving species in the past few decades.” (b) A line graph shows average January temperature in the contiguous United States between 1966 and 2006. Though the average temperature fluctuates sharply between a low of 23 degrees Fahrenheit in 1979 and a high of 38 degrees in 1990, the general trend is upward, from 27 degrees in 1966 to 34 degrees in 2006./Map titled “Poleward Shifts in Range.” : A map of the United States and southern Canada shows changes in the central locations of the wintering destinations of several migratory birds between the winters of 1966-67 and 2005-06. Migration destinations are consistently farther north in 2005-06 than in 1966-67. Next to an illustration of a duck is the caption “The greater scaup is losing ground because early snowmelt in its Arctic breeding grounds has increased competition from northward-moving species in the past few decades.”

FIGURE 1.3 The Winter Range of Many Migratory Birds Has Shifted Northward

This range map (a) is based on data collected by volunteers participating in the Christmas Bird Count, the longest-running Citizen Science project. It shows that many migratory birds in North America are not going as far south in the nonbreeding season as they did just 40 years ago. The graph (b) shows the change in average January temperature in the United States over the same period. Globally, the average surface temperature of Earth has increased by about 1°C in the last 100 years—a phenomenon known as global warming.

Science is a body of knowledge and a process for generating that knowledge

Science takes its name from scientia, a Latin word for “knowledge.” Science is a particular kind of knowledge, one that deals with the natural world. By “natural world” we mean the observable universe around us—that which can be seen or measured or detected in some way by humans. We can define science as a body of knowledge about the natural world and an evidence-based process for acquiring that knowledge (TABLE 1.2).

A table listing five characteristics of science. : Science: • deals with the natural world, which can be detected, observed, and measured. • is based on evidence from observations and/or experiments. • is subject to independent validation and peer review. • is open to challenge by anyone at any time on the basis of evidence. • is a self-correcting endeavor.

TABLE 1.2 Characteristics of Science


deals with the natural world, which can be detected, observed, and measured.

is based on evidence from observations and/or experiments.

is subject to independent validation and peer review.

is open to challenge by anyone at any time on the basis of evidence.

is a self-correcting endeavor.

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As implied in the definition, science is much more than a mountain of knowledge. Science is a particular system for generating knowledge. The processes that generate scientific knowledge have traditionally been called the scientific method, a label that originated with nineteenth-century philosophers of science. Although “method” is singular, the scientific method is not one single sequence of steps or a set recipe that all scientists follow in a rigid manner. Instead, the term represents the core logic of how science works. Some people prefer to speak of the “process of science,” rather than the scientific method. Whatever we call it, the procedures that generate scientific knowledge can be applied in a broad range of disciplines—from social psychology to forensics.

The scientific method can be illustrated in a concept map like the one in FIGURE 1.4. A concept map is a diagram illustrating how the components of a particular structure, organization, or process relate to each other. Concept maps help us visualize how parts fit together and flow from one another. Keep this in mind as we explore the process of science in this chapter.

A flowchart illustrating the scientific method. : From top to bottom, the boxes in the chart are labeled as follows: • Observations  • Hypothesis  • Predictions (“if, then”)  • Test (observations, experiments)   • Hypothesis supported (arrow points from this box back to Hypothesis with the label “New or revised hypothesis”) • Hypothesis refuted (arrow points from this box back to Test with the label “Further tests”)

FIGURE 1.4 Scientific Hypotheses Must Be Testable

Scientific hypotheses must be testable

A scientific hypothesis (plural “hypotheses”) is an educated guess that seeks to explain observations of nature. In science, a hypothesis is useless unless it is testable. The tests could be observational studies or experiments or both. Who conducts these tests? No matter how creative and plausible the hypothesis is, the burden of testing it rests on the person proposing the hypothesis.

When a hypothesis is tested and upheld, it is said to be supported. A supported hypothesis is one in which we can be relatively confident. If the tests show the hypothesis to be wrong, then the hypothesis has been refuted (shown to be false). Sometimes a test neither supports nor refutes a hypothesis, in which case the test is declared inconclusive and the investigators must find a better test.

The scientific method requires objectivity

An absolute requirement of the scientific method is that evidence must be based on observations or experiments or both. Furthermore, the observations and experiments that furnish the evidence must be subject to testing by others; independent researchers should be able to make the same observations, or obtain the same experimental results if they use the same conditions. In addition, the evidence must be collected in an objective fashion—that is, as free of bias as possible. As you might imagine, freedom from bias is more an ideal than something we can depend on. However, modern science has safeguards in place to ensure that scientific knowledge will come closer to meeting that ideal over time.

The main protection against bias, and even outright fraud, is the requirement for peer-reviewed publication. Claims of evidence that are confined to a scientist’s notebook or the blogosphere do not meet the criterion of peer-reviewed publication. A peer is someone at an equal level—in this case, another scientist who is recognized as expert in the field. Peer-reviewed publications are scientific journals that publish original research only after it has passed the scrutiny of experts who have no direct involvement in the research under review (FIGURE 1.5).

The covers of three science journals: Science, Ecology, and Nature.

FIGURE 1.5 Some Peer-Reviewed Science Journals

The criterion of peer-reviewed publication is one means of enforcing rigor and objectivity in the application of the scientific method.




Science and the Citizen


The public is not simply a consumer of science and its spin-offs. Nonscientists can shape the course of science and influence what, where, and how technology is used. Before we examine the many ways in which the relationship between science and the citizen promotes social well-being, let’s first consider what science cannot do.

The Scientific Method Has Limits

As powerful as the scientific method is, it is restricted to seeking natural causes to explain the workings of our world. For this reason, there are areas of inquiry that science cannot address. The scientific method cannot tell us, for example, what is morally right or wrong. Science cannot speak to the existence of God or any other supernatural being. Nor can science tell us what is beautiful or ugly, which poems are lyrical, or which paintings most inspiring. So although science can exist comfortably alongside different belief systems—religious, political, and personal—it cannot answer all their questions.

According to a 2010 poll by the Pew Research Center, 61 percent of the American public sees no conflict between science and their own beliefs. The same poll shows that 85 percent of the American public views science as having a mostly positive effect on society.

Public-Funded Research Contributes to the Advancement of Science

In North America, the vast majority of basic research in science is funded by the federal government—that is, by taxpayers. Basic research is intended to expand the fundamental knowledge base of science. Many industries and businesses spend a great deal of money on applied research, which seeks to commercialize the knowledge gained from basic research. The new drugs, diagnostic tests, and medical technology that biomedical companies introduce each year are, ultimately, the fruit of the public investment in basic research.

In the United States, the federal government appropriates about $40 billion each year for basic research in the life sciences, including biomedicine and agriculture. These funds are disbursed mainly to four federal agencies: the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the National Science Foundation (NSF), the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Some of these agencies have their own research institutes and laboratories, but each of them also awards funds to university researchers, who conduct the bulk of the basic research. Researchers must compete vigorously for the limited funds, and this competition helps ensure that the public money goes toward supporting high-quality science. How much money is allocated, as well as how the funding priorities are set, is strongly influenced by public opinion and even by social activism (as has been the case with HIV-AIDS research, breast cancer research, and, with more limited success, embryonic stem cell research).

Photo of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.

Scientific Literacy Strengthens Democracy

We are often called upon to vote on issues that have a scientific underpinning. The table below lists some of the science-related ballot measures that have been put to the vote during state and local elections in the United States in recent years. Although our personal values and political leanings are likely to influence how we vote, most would agree that the underlying science should be taken into consideration.

A table shows four Statewide Science-Related Ballot Measures. Initiatives that passed are renewable energy (Michigan, 2012) and medical marijuana (Massachusetts, 2012). Initiatives that failed are genetically modified foods (California, 2012) and repealing soda pop tax (Washington, 2010).

Some Statewide Ballot Measures on Science-Related Issues





Proposal 2012-03



To require that at least 25% of the state’s energy is from renewable sources

Medical Marijuana Initiative



To legalize the sale of limited amounts of marijuana to patients with a doctor’s prescription

Proposition 37



To require labeling of foods containing parts of genetically modified organisms (GMOs)

Initiative 1107



To repeal the 2-cent sales tax on candy, soda pop, and bottled water, legislated initially for health and environmental reasons

NOTE: A ballot measure is a referendum or initiative that is put to the vote in state or local elections. A referendum originates with the state legislature, whereas an initiative is brought forward by a petition from citizens (who could be backed by special interests). Citizen initiatives are given different names in different states (“proposition,” “proposal,” or “measure,” for example), and not all states have a system of citizen initiatives.


Concept Check

1. What characteristics of the process of science set it apart from other ways of knowing?

Answer Show

Scientific knowledge is acquired through evidence, and its objectivity and accuracy are policed through peer review.

2. What mechanisms help bring objectivity to the process of science?

Answer Show

Repeatability of observations and experiments, and the requirement for peer-reviewed publication of scientific findings.