One important feature of any intracellular signaling pathway is its ability to be turned off. Consider the pathway shown in Figure 16–28. Where would off switches be required? Which ones do you suppose would be the most important?
Like GPCRs, enzyme-coupled receptors are transmembrane proteins that display their ligand-binding domains on the outer surface of the plasma membrane (see Figure 16–13C). Instead of associating with a G protein, however, the cytoplasmic domain of the receptor either acts as an enzyme itself or forms a complex with another protein that acts as an enzyme. Enzyme-coupled receptors were discovered through their role in responses to extracellular signal proteins that regulate the growth, proliferation, differentiation, and survival of cells in animal tissues (see Table 16–1, p. 556, for examples). Most of these signal proteins function as local mediators and can act at very low concentrations (about 10–9 to 10–11 M). Responses to them are typically slow (on the order of hours), and their effects may require many intracellular transduction steps that usually lead to a change in gene expression.
One important feature of any intracellular signaling pathway is its ability to be turned off. Consider the pathway shown in Figure 16–28. Where would off switches be required? Which ones do you suppose would be the most important?
The largest class of enzyme-coupled receptors consists of receptors with a cytoplasmic domain that functions as a tyrosine kinase, which phosphorylates particular tyrosines on specific intracellular signaling proteins. These receptors, called receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs), will be the main focus of this section.
We begin with a discussion of how RTKs are activated in response to extracellular signals. We then consider how activated RTKs transmit the signal along two major intracellular signaling pathways that terminate at various effector proteins in the target cell. Finally, we describe how some enzyme-coupled receptors bypass such intracellular signaling cascades and use a more direct mechanism to regulate gene transcription.
Abnormal cell growth, proliferation, differentiation, survival, and migration are fundamental features of a cancer cell, and abnormalities in signaling via RTKs and other enzyme-coupled receptors have a major role in the development of most cancers.
To do its job as a signal transducer, an enzyme-coupled receptor has to switch on the enzyme activity of its intracellular domain (or of an associated enzyme) when an external signal molecule binds to its extracellular domain. Unlike GPCRs, enzyme-coupled receptor proteins usually have only one transmembrane segment, which spans the lipid bilayer as a single α helix. Because a single α helix is poorly suited to transmit a conformational change across the bilayer, enzyme-coupled receptors have a different strategy for transducing the extracellular signal. In many cases, the binding of an extracellular signal molecule causes two receptor molecules to come together in the plasma membrane, forming a dimer. This pairing brings the two intracellular tails of the receptors together and activates their kinase domains, such that each receptor tail phosphorylates the other. In the case of RTKs, the phosphorylations occur on specific tyrosines.
This tyrosine phosphorylation then triggers the assembly of a transient but elaborate intracellular signaling complex on the cytosolic tails of the receptors. The newly phosphorylated tyrosines serve as docking sites for a whole zoo of intracellular signaling proteins—perhaps as many as 10 or 20 different molecules (Figure 16–29). Some of these proteins become phosphorylated and activated on binding to the receptors, and they then propagate the signal; others function solely as scaffolds, which couple the receptors to other signaling proteins, thereby helping to build the active signaling complex.
All of these docked intracellular signaling proteins possess a specialized interaction domain, which recognizes specific phosphorylated tyrosines on the receptor tails. A different interaction domain allows intracellular signaling proteins to recognize phosphorylated lipids that are produced on the cytosolic side of the plasma membrane in response to certain signals, as we discuss later. Together, these interaction domains allow signaling proteins to bind to the membrane and to one another in specific combinations, forming three-dimensional networks that establish the route each signaling pathway will take. Because interaction domains tend to be located within flexible, unstructured regions of the protein—and proteins can contain multiple interaction domains—activation of a receptor can nucleate the formation of a large, gel-like matrix of cross-linked proteins at the plasma membrane (Figure 16–30). These sprawling aggregates act as specialized subcompartments, called biomolecular condensates, which are held together by numerous weak interactions, as we discuss in Chapter 4 (see Figure 4–52).
As long as they remain together, the signaling protein complexes assembled on the cytosolic tails of the RTKs can transmit a signal along several routes simultaneously to many destinations in the cell, thus activating and coordinating the numerous biochemical changes that are required to trigger a complex response such as cell proliferation or differentiation. To help terminate the response, the tyrosine phosphorylations are reversed by tyrosine phosphatases, which remove the phosphates that were added to the tyrosines of both the RTKs and other intracellular signaling proteins in response to the extracellular signal. In some cases, activated RTKs (like some GPCRs) are inactivated in a more brutal way: they are dragged into the interior of the cell by endocytosis and then destroyed by digestion in lysosomes (as discussed in Chapter 15).
Different RTKs recruit different collections of intracellular signaling proteins, producing different effects; however, certain components are used by most RTKs. These include, for example, a phospholipase C that functions in the same way as the phospholipase C activated by GPCRs to trigger the inositol phospholipid signaling pathway discussed earlier (see Figure 16–23). Another intracellular signaling protein that is activated by almost all RTKs is a small GTP-binding protein called Ras, as we discuss next.
As we have seen, activated RTKs recruit and activate many kinds of intracellular signaling proteins, leading to the formation of large signaling complexes on the cytosolic tail of the RTK. One of the key members of these signaling complexes is Ras—a small GTP-binding protein that is attached by a lipid tail to the cytosolic face of the plasma membrane. Virtually all RTKs activate Ras, including platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) receptors, which mediate cell proliferation in wound healing, and nerve growth factor (NGF) receptors, which play an important part in the development of certain vertebrate neurons.
The Ras protein is a member of a large family of small GTP-binding proteins, often called monomeric GTPases to distinguish them from the trimeric G proteins that we encountered earlier. Ras resembles the α subunit of a G protein and functions as a molecular switch in much the same way. It cycles between two distinct conformational states—active when GTP is bound and inactive when GDP is bound. Interaction with an activating protein called Ras GEF encourages Ras to exchange its GDP for GTP, thus switching Ras to its activated state (Figure 16–31); after a delay, Ras is switched off by a GAP called Ras GAP (see Figure 16–12), which promotes the hydrolysis of its bound GTP to GDP (Movie 16.7).
In its active state, Ras initiates a phosphorylation cascade in which a series of serine/threonine kinases phosphorylate and activate one another in sequence, like an intracellular game of dominoes. This relay system, which carries the signal from the plasma membrane to the nucleus, includes a three-kinase module called the MAP-kinase signaling module, in honor of the final enzyme in the chain, the mitogen-activated protein kinase, or MAP kinase. (As we discuss in Chapter 18, mitogens are extracellular signal molecules that stimulate cell proliferation.) In this pathway, outlined in Figure 16–32, MAP kinase is phosphorylated and activated by an enzyme called, logically enough, MAP kinase kinase. This protein is itself switched on by a MAP kinase kinase kinase (which is activated by Ras). At the end of the MAP-kinase cascade, MAP kinase phosphorylates various effector proteins, including certain transcription regulators, altering their ability to control gene transcription. The resulting change in the pattern of gene expression may stimulate cell proliferation, promote cell survival, or induce cell differentiation: the precise outcome will depend on which other genes are active in the cell and what other signals the cell receives. How biologists unravel such complex signaling pathways is discussed in How We Know, pp. 584–585.
Before Ras was discovered in normal cells, a mutant form of the protein was found in human cancer cells. The mutation inactivates the GTPase activity of Ras, so that the protein cannot shut itself off, promoting uncontrolled cell proliferation and the development of cancer. About 30% of human cancers contain such activating mutations in a Ras gene; of the cancers that do not, many have mutations in genes that encode proteins that function in the same signaling pathway as Ras. Many of the genes that encode normal intracellular signaling proteins were initially identified in the hunt for cancer-promoting oncogenes (discussed in Chapter 20).
Would you expect to activate RTKs by exposing the exterior of cells to antibodies that bind to the respective proteins? Would your answer be different for GPCRs? (Hint: Review Panel 4–2, on pp. 144–145, regarding the properties of antibody molecules.)
Many of the extracellular signal proteins that stimulate animal cells to survive and grow, including signal proteins belonging to the insulin-like growth factor (IGF) family, act through RTKs. One crucially important signaling pathway that these RTKs activate to promote cell growth and survival involves the enzyme phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase), which phosphorylates inositol phospholipids in the plasma membrane. These phosphorylated lipids serve as docking sites for specific intracellular signaling proteins, which relocate from the cytosol to the plasma membrane, where they can activate one another. One of the most important of these relocated signaling proteins is the serine/threonine kinase Akt (Figure 16–33).
Akt, also called protein kinase B (PKB), promotes the growth and survival of many cell types, often by inactivating the signaling proteins it phosphorylates. For example, Akt phosphorylates and inactivates a cytosolic protein called Bad. In its active state, Bad encourages the cell to kill itself by indirectly activating a cell-suicide program called apoptosis (discussed in Chapter 18). Phosphorylation by Akt thus promotes cell survival by inactivating a protein that otherwise promotes cell death (Figure 16–34).
In addition to promoting cell survival, the PI-3-kinase–Akt signaling pathway stimulates cells to grow in size. It does so by indirectly activating a large serine/threonine kinase called Tor. Tor stimulates cells to grow both by enhancing protein synthesis and by inhibiting protein degradation (Figure 16–35). The anticancer drug rapamycin works by inactivating Tor, indicating the importance of this signaling pathway in regulating cell growth and survival—and the consequences of its dysregulation in cancer.
The main intracellular signaling cascades activated by GPCRs and RTKs are summarized in Figure 16–36. As dauntingly complex as such pathways may seem, the complexity of cell signaling is actually much greater still. First, although we depict these signaling pathways as being relatively linear and self-contained, they do not operate entirely independently and engage in a great deal of cross-talk. Second, we have described only a very small handful of the intracellular signaling pathways that operate in cells. So before we return to a discussion of signal integration, we take a brief detour to introduce a few additional types of signaling systems that we have thus far overlooked.
Intracellular signaling pathways are never mapped out in a single experiment. Although insulin was first isolated from dog pancreas in the early 1920s, the molecular chain of events that links the binding of insulin to its receptor with the activation of the transporter proteins that take up glucose has taken decades to untangle—and is still not completely understood.
Instead, investigators figure out, piece by piece, how all the links in the chain fit together—and how each contributes to the cell’s response to an extracellular signal molecule such as the hormone insulin. Here, we discuss the kinds of experiments that allow scientists to identify individual links and, ultimately, to piece together complex signaling pathways.
Most signaling pathways depend on proteins that physically interact with one another. There are several ways to detect such direct contact. One involves using a protein as “bait.” For example, to isolate the receptor that binds to insulin, one could attach insulin to a chromatography column. Cells that respond to the hormone are broken open with detergents that disrupt their membranes, releasing the transmembrane receptor proteins (see Figure 11–27). When this slurry is poured over the chromatography column, the proteins that bind to insulin will stick to the column and can later be eluted and identified (see Figure 4–54).
Protein–protein interactions in a signaling pathway can also be identified by co-immunoprecipitation. For example, cells exposed to an extracellular signal molecule can be broken open, and antibodies can be used to grab the receptor protein known to recognize the signal molecule (see Panel 4–2, pp. 144–145). If the receptor is strongly associated with other proteins, as shown in Figure 16–29, these will be captured as well. In this way, researchers can identify which proteins interact when an extracellular signal molecule stimulates cells.
Once two proteins are known to bind to each other, an investigator can pinpoint which parts of the proteins are required for the interaction using the DNA technology discussed in Chapter 10. For example, to determine which phosphorylated tyrosine on a receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) is recognized by a certain intracellular signaling protein, a series of mutant receptors can be constructed, each missing a different tyrosine from its cytoplasmic domain (Figure 16–37). In this way, the specific tyrosines required for binding can be determined. Similarly, one can determine whether this phosphotyrosine docking site is required for the receptor to transmit a signal to the cell.
Ultimately, one wants to assess what role a particular protein plays in a signaling pathway. A first test may involve using DNA technology to introduce into cells a gene encoding a constantly active form of the protein, to see if this mimics the effect of the extracellular signal molecule. Consider Ras, for example. The mutant form of Ras involved in human cancers is constantly active because it has lost its ability to hydrolyze the bound GTP that keeps the Ras protein switched on. This continuously active form of Ras can stimulate some cells to proliferate, even in the absence of a proliferation signal.
Conversely, the activity of a specific signaling protein can be inhibited or eliminated. In the case of Ras, for example, one could shut down the expression of the Ras gene in cells by RNA interference or using the gene-editing tool CRISPR (see Figure 10–33). Such cells do not proliferate in response to extracellular mitogens, indicating the importance of normal Ras signaling in the proliferative response.
Another powerful strategy that scientists use to determine which proteins participate in cell signaling involves screening tens of thousands of animals—fruit flies or nematode worms, for example (discussed in Chapter 19)—to search for mutants in which a signaling pathway is not functioning properly. By examining enough mutant animals, many of the genes that encode the proteins involved in a signaling pathway can be identified.
Such classical genetic screens can also help sort out the order in which intracellular signaling proteins act in a pathway. Suppose that a genetic screen uncovers a pair of new proteins, X and Y, involved in the Ras signaling pathway. To determine whether these proteins lie upstream or downstream of Ras, one could create cells that express an inactive, mutant form of each protein, and then ask whether these mutant cells can be “rescued” by the addition of a continuously active form of Ras. If the constantly active Ras overcomes the blockage created by the mutant protein, the protein must operate upstream of Ras in the pathway (Figure 16–38A). However, if Ras operates upstream of the protein, a constantly active Ras would be unable to transmit a signal past the obstruction caused by the disabled protein (Figure 16–38B). Through such experiments, even the most complex intracellular signaling pathways can be mapped out, one step at a time (Figure 16–38C).
Not all receptors trigger complex signaling cascades that use multiple components to carry a message to the nucleus. Some take a more direct route to control gene expression. One such receptor is the protein Notch. Notch is a crucially important receptor in all animals, both during development and in adults. Among other things, it controls the development of neural cells in Drosophila (Figure 16–39).
In this simple signaling pathway, the receptor itself acts as a transcription regulator. When activated by the binding of Delta, a transmembrane signal protein on the surface of a neighboring cell, the Notch receptor is cleaved. This cleavage releases the cytosolic tail of the receptor, which is then free to move to the nucleus, where it helps to activate the appropriate set of Notch-responsive genes (Figure 16–40).
Another direct route to the nucleus is taken by extracellular signal molecules that rely on intracellular receptor proteins (see Figure 16–4B). These molecules include the steroid hormones—cortisol, estradiol, and testosterone—and the thyroid hormones such as thyroxine (Figure 16–41). All of these hydrophobic molecules pass through the plasma membrane of the target cell and bind to receptor proteins located in either the cytosol or the nucleus. Regardless of their initial location, these intracellular receptor proteins are referred to as nuclear receptors because, when activated by hormone binding, they enter the nucleus, where they regulate the transcription of genes. In unstimulated cells, nuclear receptors are typically present in an inactive form. When a hormone binds, the receptor undergoes a large conformational change that activates the protein, allowing it to promote or inhibit the transcription of specific target genes (Figure 16–42). Each hormone binds to a different nuclear receptor, and each receptor acts at a different set of regulatory sites in DNA (discussed in Chapter 8). Moreover, a given hormone usually regulates different sets of genes in different cell types, thereby evoking different physiological responses in different target cells.
Nuclear receptors and the hormones that activate them have essential roles in human physiology (see Table 16–1, p. 556). Loss of these signaling systems can have dramatic consequences, as illustrated by the effects of mutations that eliminate the receptor for the male sex hormone testosterone. Testosterone in humans shapes the formation of the external genitalia and influences brain development in the fetus; at puberty, the hormone triggers the development of male secondary sexual characteristics. Some very rare individuals are genetically male—that is, they have both an X and a Y chromosome—but lack the testosterone receptor as a result of a mutation in the corresponding gene; thus, they make testosterone, but their cells cannot respond to it. As a result, these individuals develop as females, which is the path that sexual and brain development would take if no male or female hormones were produced. Such a sex reversal demonstrates the crucial role of the testosterone receptor in sexual development, and it also shows that the receptor is required not just in one cell type to mediate one effect of testosterone, but in many cell types to help produce the whole range of features that distinguish men from women.
Plants and animals have been evolving independently for more than a billion years, the last common ancestor being a single-celled eukaryote that most likely lived on its own. Because these kingdoms diverged so long ago, each has evolved its own molecular solutions to the complex problem of becoming multicellular. Thus the mechanisms for cell–cell communication in plants and animals are in some ways quite different. At the same time, however, plants and animals started with a common set of eukaryotic genes—including some used by single-celled organisms to communicate among themselves—so their signaling systems also show some similarities.
Like animals, plants make extensive use of transmembrane cell-surface receptors—especially enzyme-coupled receptors. The spindly mustard weed Arabidopsis thaliana, which serves as a model for understanding plant biology (see Figure 1–34), has hundreds of genes encoding receptor serine/threonine kinases. These are, however, structurally distinct from the receptor serine/threonine kinases found in animal cells (which we do not discuss in this chapter). The plant receptors are thought to play an important part in a large variety of cell signaling processes, including those governing plant growth, development, and disease resistance. In contrast to animal cells, plant cells seem not to use RTKs, steroid-hormone-type nuclear receptors, or cyclic AMP, and they seem to use few GPCRs.
One of the best-studied signaling systems in plants mediates the response of cells to ethylene—a gaseous hormone that regulates a diverse array of developmental processes, including seed germination and fruit ripening. Tomato growers use ethylene to ripen their fruit, even after it has been picked. Although ethylene receptors are not evolutionarily related to any of the classes of receptor proteins that we have discussed so far, they function as enzyme-coupled receptors. Surprisingly, it is the empty receptor that is active: in the absence of ethylene, the empty receptor activates an associated protein kinase that ultimately shuts off the ethylene-responsive genes in the nucleus; when ethylene is present, the receptor and kinase are inactive, and the ethylene-responsive genes are transcribed (Figure 16–43). This strategy, whereby signals act to relieve transcriptional inhibition, is commonly used in plants.
Whether part of a plant or an animal, a cell receives messages from many sources, and it must integrate this information to generate an appropriate response: to live or die, to divide, to differentiate, to change shape, to move, to send out a chemical message of its own, and so on (see Figure 16–6, Movie 16.8, and Movie 16.9). This integration is made possible by connections and interactions that occur between different signaling pathways. Such cross-talk allows the cell to bring together multiple streams of information and react to a rich combination of signals.
The most extensive links among the pathways are mediated by the protein kinases present in each. These kinases often phosphorylate, and hence regulate, components in other signaling pathways, in addition to components in their own pathway (see Figure 16–36). To give an idea of the scale of the complexity of this web of potential interactions, genome sequencing studies suggest that about 2% of our 20,000 protein-coding genes code for protein kinases; moreover, hundreds of distinct types of protein kinases are thought to be present in a single mammalian cell.
Many intracellular signaling proteins have several potential phosphorylation sites, each of which can be phosphorylated by a different protein kinase. These proteins can thus act as integrating devices. Information received from different intracellular signaling pathways can converge on such proteins, which then convert a multicomponent input to a single outgoing signal (Figure 16–44, and see Figure 16–9). These integrating proteins, in turn, can deliver a signal to many downstream targets. In this way, the intracellular signaling system may act like a network of nerve cells in the brain—or like a collection of microprocessors in a computer—interpreting complex information and generating complex responses.
A flow diagram shows how intracellular signaling proteins integrate incoming signals. Four extracellular signal molecules, labeled as A, B, C, and D, are attached to the receptors in the plasma membrane. Signals A and B activate kinase 1. Signal C inhibits kinase 1 and kinase 2. Signal D activates kinase 2. Kinase 1 and 2 activate the target protein bound to two phosphates, triggering a cell response.
Figure 16–44 Intracellular signaling proteins serve to integrate incoming signals. Extracellular signals A, B, C, and D activate different receptors in the plasma membrane. The receptors act upon two protein kinases, which they either activate (black arrow) or inhibit (red crossbar). The kinases phosphorylate the same target protein and, when it is fully phosphorylated, this target protein triggers a cell response. It can be seen that signal molecule B activates both protein kinases and therefore produces a strong output response. Signals A and D each activate a different kinase and therefore produce a response only if they are simultaneously present. Signal molecule C inhibits the cell response and will compete with the other signal molecules. The net outcome will depend both on the numbers of signaling molecules and the strengths of their connections. In a real cell, these parameters would be determined by evolution.
Our understanding of these intricate networks is still evolving: we are still discovering new links in the chains, new signaling partners, new connections, and even new pathways. Unraveling the intracellular signaling pathways—in both animals and plants—is one of the most active areas of research in cell biology, and new discoveries are being made every day. Genome sequencing projects continue to provide long lists of components involved in signal transduction in a large variety of organisms. Yet even if we could identify every single component in this elaborate network of signaling pathways, it will remain a major challenge to figure out exactly how they all work together to allow cells—and organisms—to integrate the diverse array of information that inundates them constantly and to respond in a way that enhances their ability to adapt and survive.