1.5 Lewis Dot Structures and the Octet Rule

To understand a molecule’s chemical behavior, it is necessary to know its connectivity—that is, which atoms are bonded together, and by what types of bonds (single, double, or triple). It is also useful to know which valence electrons participate in bonding and which do not. Lewis dot structures (or, Lewis structures) are a convenient way to convey this information. Let’s review some basic conventions of Lewis structures.

Connections An isolated chlorine atom is referred to as a chlorine radical. Chlorine radicals in the stratosphere catalyze the breakdown of stratospheric ozone. Unnaturally high concentrations of chlorine radicals in the stratosphere, produced from synthetic coolants called chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), have, since the middle of the 20th century, led to the development of the ozone hole over Antarctica.

Lewis structures take into account only valence electrons. In a complete Lewis structure, such as the following for isolated C and Cl atoms, all valence electrons are shown:

Bonding and nonbonding electrons are clearly shown.

 Single, double, and triple bonds are indicated by one, two, or three lines (i.e. , , or ), respectively, which represent the sharing of two, four, or six electrons, respectively. Thus, each line represents a shared pair, or bonding pair, of electrons.

Two Lewis structures show the four valence electrons in a carbon atom and seven valence electrons in a chlorine atom.

 Nonbonding electrons are indicated by dots, and are usually paired (:). These are called lone pairs of electrons. In some species, nonbonding electrons are unpaired, and are represented by single dots. These species are called free radicals and are discussed in greater detail in Chapter 25.

Atoms in Lewis structures obey the duet rule and the octet rule. Atoms are especially stable when they have complete valence shells: two electrons (a duet) for hydrogen and helium, and eight electrons (an octet) for atoms in the second row of the periodic table. These duets and octets can be achieved through the formation of covalent bonds, where valence electrons are shared between atoms. Examples are shown in Figure 1-14.

Four illustrations show covalent bonding in various molecules, with the octet for the atoms represented by circles. The first illustration shows a hydrogen molecule where two hydrogen atoms are connected by a single bond. Each hydrogen atom has a share of the two electrons in the bond, and the octet circle for each atom includes the bond. The second illustration shows a methane molecule where a carbon atom is bonded to four hydrogen atoms by single bonds. The carbon�s octet includes the eight shared electrons, and the circle representing this octet includes four bonds connecting it to the hydrogen atoms. The hydrogen�s octet includes the bond connecting it to the carbon atom. The third illustration shows a carbon dioxide molecule where a carbon atom is double-bonded to two oxygen atoms in a linear fashion. The carbon�s octet includes the eight shared electrons, and the circle representing this octet includes two double bonds connecting it to the two oxygen atoms. Each oxygen�s octet includes four shared electrons and four unshared electrons, which are represented by dots. The fourth illustration shows an ammonia molecule where a nitrogen atom is bonded to three hydrogen atoms by single bonds. The nitrogen�s octet includes the six shared electrons and two unshared electrons, which are represented by dots. The circle representing this octet includes the bonds connecting it to the hydrogen atoms. The hydrogen�s octet includes the bond connecting it to the nitrogen atom. The caption reads, Covalent bonding: Sharing electrons to produce full valence shells: In each of these molecules, all atoms have completely filled valence shells: Hydrogen has a share of two electrons, whereas carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen each have an octet of electrons made up of a total of 8 shared and unshared valence electrons.
FIGURE 1-14 Covalent bonding: Sharing electrons to produce full valence shells In each of these molecules, all atoms have completely filled valence shells: H has a share of two electrons (a, b, and d), whereas C (b and c), O (c), and N (d) each have an octet of electrons made up of a total of 8 shared and unshared valence electrons.



Using Figure 1-14 as your guide, circle the electrons in the Lewis structure of CH3OH that represent carbon’s octet, oxygen’s octet, and each hydrogen’s duet.

Condensed structural formula of methanol. The condensed structural formula of methanol consists of a carbon atom, single bonded to three hydrogen atoms and an oxygen atom carrying a lone pair of electrons. The oxygen atom is further attached to a hydrogen atom by a single bond.

An illustration shows covalent bonding in methanol. The structure shows a carbon atom is single bonded to three hydrogen atoms and an oxygen atom with a lone pair of electrons. This oxygen atom is further single bonded to another hydrogen atom. The carbon�s octet includes the eight shared electrons, and the circle representing this octet includes four bonds connecting it to the hydrogen and oxygen atoms. The oxygen�s octet includes the four shared electrons and four unshared electrons, which are represented by dots. The circle representing this octet includes the bonds connecting it to the hydrogen atoms. The hydrogen�s octet includes the bond connecting it to a carbon and an oxygen atom. The hydrogen`s octet includes a share of the two electrons in the bond, and the circle representing this octet includes the bonds connecting it to the carbon and oxygen atoms.

Because of their widespread use in organic chemistry, you must be able to draw Lewis structures quickly and accurately. The following steps allow you to do so in a systematic way.

Connections Methanol (CH3OH, Your Turn 1.5), also called methyl alcohol or wood alcohol, is used industrially as a feedstock to produce formaldehyde, which is integral in the production of some plastics, paints, and explosives. Methanol is also the primary fuel used in many types of racing vehicles.

A photo shows a Formula One car emitting smoke on a racetrack.

Steps for Drawing Lewis Structures

 1. Count the total number of valence electrons in the molecule.

a. The number of valence electrons contributed by each atom is the same as its group number (H = 1, C = 4, N = 5, O = 6, F = 7).

b. Each negative charge increases the number of valence electrons by one; each positive charge decreases the number of electrons by one.

 2. Write the skeleton of the molecule, showing only the atoms and the single bonds required to hold them together.

a. If molecular connectivity is not given to you, the central atom (the one with the greatest number of bonds) is usually the one with the lowest electronegativity. (Electronegativity is reviewed in Section 1.7.)

 3. Subtract two electrons from the total in Step 1 for each single covalent bond drawn in Step 2.

 4. Distribute the remaining electrons as lone pairs.

 a. Start with the outer atoms and work inward.

 b. Try to achieve an octet on each atom other than hydrogen.

 5. If there is an atom with less than an octet, increase the atom’s share of electrons by converting lone pairs from neighboring atoms into bonding pairs, thereby creating double or triple bonds.

Solved Problem 1.7

Draw a Lewis structure of , where carbon is the central atom.



Consider the steps for drawing Lewis structures. Which atoms must be bonded together?



First, count the total number of valence electrons.

Carbon is the central atom, so six electrons must be used to connect C to the other three atoms. This leaves 12 more that can be placed as lone pairs around the O atoms to achieve octets, as shown at the right. To give C its octet, one of those lone pairs is converted to a CO double bond.

A two-part illustration shows the conversion of a lone pair of an atom to a bonding pair. The first part shows an anion that consists of a central carbon atom, single bonded to a hydrogen atom and two oxygen atoms, each carrying three lone pairs of electrons. A lone pair of electrons in one of the oxygen atoms is labeled, convert a lone pair into a bonding pair to give carbon its octet. The second part shows the anion with the converted bonding pair. This bonding pair exists as the double bond between the central carbon atom and the oxygen atom carrying two lone pairs of electrons. The central carbon atom also single bonded to the hydrogen atom and the oxygen atom carrying three lone pairs of electrons. The two anions are in equilibrium with each other.

problem 1.8 Draw a Lewis structure for C2H3N. One carbon is bonded to three hydrogen atoms and to the second carbon. The nitrogen atom is bonded only to a carbon atom.

Condensed structural formula of molecules two molecules, borane, BH3 and thionyl chloride, SOCl2. The condensed structural formula of borane consists of a central boron atom, attached to three hydrogen atoms by single bonds. The boron atom is labeled, deficient of octet. The condensed structural formula of thionyl chloride consists of a central sulfur atom carrying a lone pair of electrons, double bonded to an oxygen atom carrying two lone pairs of electrons and single bonded to two chlorine atoms, each carrying three lone pairs of electrons. The sulfur atom is labeled, expanded octet. The caption reads, �(a) Boron is in the second row and has less than an octet. (b) Sulfur is in the third row and has an expanded octet.�
FIGURE 1-15 Exceptions to the octet rule (a) Boron is in the second row and has less than an octet. (b) Sulfur is in the third row and has an expanded octet.

In some molecular species, not all atoms have a complete valence shell. In borane (BH3, Fig. 1-15a), for example, the B atom has a share of only six valence electrons. It is two electrons short of an octet because there are not enough valence electrons available to achieve a complete valence shell for all atoms in the molecule. Similarly, in thionyl chloride (SOCl2, Fig. 1-15b), the S atom has a share of 10 electrons but, being in the third row of the periodic table, its valence shell can contain up to 18 electrons. There are even some examples of molecular species in which hydrogen has a share of fewer than two electrons, but these are somewhat rare. (Such examples will be discussed as necessary.)

Because of the emphasis that organic chemistry has on atoms from the second row of the periodic table, we often talk about atoms from the third row and below in terms of an octet. In SOCl2, for example, both Cl atoms have a share of eight valence electrons, so we say that each Cl atom has an octet. The S atom, on the other hand, has what is called an expanded octet, given its share of 10 electrons. Be careful, however, when using this terminology, because only atoms in the third row and below can have an expanded octet.

Atoms in the second row are forbidden to exceed the octet!

Connections Borane (BH3) and thionyl chloride (SOCl2), shown in Figure 1-15, are important reagents in organic synthesis. BH3 is involved in hydroboration (Section 12.6). SOCl2 is commonly used to replace an –OH group with –Cl in certain types of molecules (Section 21.4). SOCl2 is also used in lithium–thionyl chloride batteries, where it acts as the positive electrode.

A photo shows a 3.6-volt lithium-thionyl chloride battery.

problem 1.9 For each structure below, determine whether it is a legitimate Lewis structure. If not, explain why not.

Five condensed structural formulae of five molecules is shown. The first condensed structure shows a central carbon atom, attached to two carbon atoms by double bonds, which are further single bonded to two hydrogen atoms each. The second condensed structure shows a central carbon atom, single bonded to the carbon of a methyl group and double bonded to two oxygen atoms, each carrying two lone pairs of electrons. The third condensed structure shows a central sulfur atom, single bonded to the carbon of a methyl group and one chlorine atom with three lone pairs of electrons. The sulfur is also attached to two oxygen atoms by double bonds. The fourth condensed structure shows a central phosphorous atom, attached to five chlorine atoms, each carrying three lone pairs of electrons. The fifth condensed structure shows a central carbon atom, triple-bonded to a nitrogen atom carrying a lone pair of electrons and double bonded to another carbon atom, which is further attached to a hydrogen atom and the oxygen of a hydroxyl group by single bonds. The oxygen atom carries two lone pairs of electrons.